Keeping something on the skin for 3, 7 or 14 days(!!!) can be difficult. Many of today's diabetes technologies require devices or their accessories to be worn for multiple days at a time. In this post, I will provide suggestions for products available to help keep devices on and secure.
Simpatch tapes

These tapes go around or directly on top of the CGM or Omnipod to help secure and keep it in place. Simpatch tapes are easy to use, are latex free, waterproof and contain 100% acrylic adhesive. At about 60 cents per tape, they are an affordable option for every day use.
To see more details and purchase, click on the brand below:
Skin Grip patches

Skin Grip patches, similar to Simpatch, can be worn around or directly on top of the CGM or Omnipod. They are available in a large variety of colors and can be worn for 10-14 days. Easy to use and remove. A bit more costly at about $1.50 per patch.
To see more details and purchase, click on the brand below:

For the fashionable CGM or Omnipod user, Expression Med adhesive patches offer security and a wide variety of fun patterns and styles. These are great for kids or those young at heart. Expression Med tapes are made of a breathable material and claim not to fray. Be prepared to spend a bit more at about $3.00 per tape.
To see more details and purchase, click on the brand below:

Bands may be a better option for CGM or Omnipod users with sensitive skin. Tapes can cause irritation for some skin types. Bands offer more security without adhesive ingredients. They are also great for people that are very active. They can be used on all arm sizes as they are adjustable. Bands can be washed in between uses. They run about $20-$30.
To see more details and purchase, click on the brand below:
Adhesive products for skin
Skin tac wipes

Skin tac wipes are prep pads with adhesive ingredients. Think glue for your skin. They create a barrier on the skin and help CGMs, infusion sets, Omnipods and tapes stick better to skin. Skin tac is also available in a bottle for use with a cotton swab. A box of 50 is about $15.
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:
Skin Prep pads

Skin prep pads clean the skin as well as leave a barrier on the skin. They help to secure CGMs, infusion sets, Omnipods and tapes. The barrier from the skin prep pad also helps with any irritation caused by the adhesives on diabetes devices. A box of 50 is about $10.
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:

Another adhesive and barrier for the skin. Mastisol comes in a spray or a bottle. It is very sticky and really helps diabetes devices to stay put on the skin. It can also help with irritation caused by adhesive ingredients in infusion set or CGM tape. A small bottle is about $20 but a little goes a long way!
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:
Ok, so now it's time to take OFF that diabetes device. Ouch! Here are some products that can help to remove tapes, glue and gunk left behind on the skin.
Tac Away Wipes

These wipes help to remove adhesives and residues from the skin. Prior to removing a CGM or infusion set, use Tac Away directly on the tape. The ingredients help to dissolve the adhesive to make removal less painful. They can also be used to remove glue and residue left on the skin after removal. A box of 50 is about $15.
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:
Uni-solve Wipes

Very similar to Tac Away, these wipes help to remove adhesives and residues from the skin. Prior to removing a CGM or infusion set, use Uni-solve directly on the tape. The ingredients help to dissolve the adhesives to make removal less painful. They can also be used to remove glue and residue left on the skin after removal. A box of 50 is about $10.
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:
Goo-Gone Bandage Remover

Goo-gone is a great option for painless removal of CGMs and infusion sets. It also helps to remove gunk off skin after the removal of diabetes devices. It can easily be used with a cotton swab or cotton ball. Excellent for removing larger areas of glue or residue on the skin vs the prep pads listed above. A bottle is about $10 and lasts a long time.
To see more details and purchase, click on the link below:
Hope this post helps to keep those diabetes devices stay put! Some insurance companies will cover some of items mentioned in this post. Contact your insurance carrier to find out about coverage.